Sign up for the career pit stop

your road to success
Make steps that really suit you
During the career pit stop we discover together what direction you want your career to take: what opportunities are there for you on the job market, where do you want to grow, what steps do you need to take to achieve this and what knowledge do you need and want to refuel? We will map out your career path for the next 5 years and offer you 3 concrete steps to get started right away. Sign up now with no obligation!

How it works:
Telephone introduction
Career interview
Skill test
External analysis
Your personal career path
Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you!Nice to get to know each other briefly and hear what you would like to get out of the career pit stop.
After the brief introduction, we will invite you for a career interview. There we will go into detail about your work history, what makes you happy in your work and what doesn't, your ambitions and your requirements, wishes and needs in terms of work and career. We also discuss what opportunities we might already see for you.
You complete an online test, which together we use to get a good picture of your inner drives, your strong skills and competences that you could develop further.
Alongside the online analysis, which you complete yourself, we carry out an external analysis. Sounds complicated, but it is super valuable: we show you what opportunities there are for you on the job market, which positions would suit you well, where these people work and what knowledge, skills and competences are required for these position(s). And last but not least: we show you what market value you can grow into in the next 2 to 5 years!
Using all the information from the career interview, the skills test and the external analysis, our colleague will draw up an advice. You will be given a personal career path for the next 5 years, as well as 3 concrete follow-up steps to get started right away. The choice is yours!
Sign up now for the career pit stop. Together we'll explore and determine your road to success.