Wiertz Academy

Wiertz Academy
our training programmes

What is your next step?

Wiertz Technical Solutions will boost your career in process engineering or maintenance. Choose from our training programmes, improve your skills and become increasingly valuable.


Whatever career stage you are in, whatever ambitions you have: you can always grow. We give you security in the form of a great job, a good salary and a long-term contract, as well as the space to develop yourself further. Together we will determine your road to success!




where does your future lie?

Do you choose Process Engineering...

Check our training programmes for process operators here. Are you at the start of a career in process engineering or do you want to take the next step as an operator? It is all possible...

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Opleidingen voor procesoperators

...or do you go for Maintenance?

Would you like to discover the world of Maintenance and be trained as a Mechanic Electrical, E&I or mechanical engineering? Whether you are starter or advanced, we always have a suitable training programme tailored to you. Promised.

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Opleidingen in maintenance

Find your training place

Ready to boost your career? Check out the training positions that are open for you now.

Apply directly for Wiertz Academy

Would you like to follow an education or training course and increase your market value? Register without obligation and together we will define your road to success!

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Do you have a question?

About a course that suits your skills? A training programme that meets your needs? Feel free to send us a message!

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