Directie 11

About Wiertz Company

Everyone deserves a job, and everyone has talent. That is what we stand for and what we dedicate ourselves to every day.  Our Hubs are the vibrant heart of every region we operate in. From there, we work hard toward our ambition: filling every vacancy in the south of the Netherlands.

By people, for people!

With our values as a family business, our vision, and our independence, we provide the best solutions for everyone in the field of work.  

Through Wiertz Company, everyone can work the way they want—whether in a flexible or permanent position or as a self-employed professional. We find the job that suits you best. In doing so, we look beyond just a CV, because you are capable of more than you think.  

Wiertz Company is a family-owned business that has been active in employment services for 28 years. Over time, it has grown into a full-service HR provider. With Hubs from Maastricht to Zeeland, Wiertz Company is always close by.  

Nationwide coverage through regional presence, local expertise, and strong partnerships makes Wiertz Company a company of people, for people.  

Wiertz Company offers solutions across the broad world of people and work: Wiertz Flex Solutions, Wiertz Payroll Solutions, Wiertz Career Solutions, Wiertz Hospitality Solutions, Wiertz Digital Solutions, Wiertz International Solutions, Wiertz Inhouse Solutions, and Wiertz Technical Solutions.

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Wiertz Company

The Core of Our Existence

Our Vision

We believe you are capable of more than you think. Everyone has talent!

Our Mission

We are the strong connection between people and work. We connect. Because everyone deserves a job!

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Wiertz Family

Wiertz Company was founded in 1997 by Harm Wiertz and Dionne Wiertz-Buck. They believed that employment mediation could be done differently and better, and Wiertz Company was born!

Social Annual Report

Our Social Annual Report is more than a collection of numbers and statistics; it reflects our commitment to finding innovative solutions for the broad world of people and work. Together, we continue to build a future where everyone has the opportunity to succeed, regardless of background or circumstances.
